ARV Privacy

It is one of ARV's social responsibilities to safeguard information with regard to any individual (hereinafter, the "Personal Information") in an appropriate manner. We are committed to protect your Personal Information in accordance with the ARV privacy policies described below.

  1. 1. We specify purposes of using the Personal Information to the extent possible and acquire such Personal Information on "as-needed" basis by lawful and fair means.
  2. 2. We use your Personal Information for following purposes only:
    • - to confirm detail of products and services
    • - to reply to inquiries or to communicate
  3. 3. We appropriately safeguard the Personal Information obtained from you and do not share or disclose it with anyone, unless we deem it legally necessary or we obtain your explicit consent to do so to specific third parties.
  4. 4. We take commercially reasonable, physical and technical measures as an organization for safeguarding the Personal Infromation, and make every efforts to prevent unlawful access, losses, falsification and leakage in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
  5. 5. Any request for disclosure, correction, cessation of use and destruction of the Personal Information may be responded to, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, only if we can confirm that such request is properly made by you and/or your authorized representative or agent.